Public Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to electors, the Town of Loyal will hold a public meeting Monday, November 19th, 2018 at 7:30pm, Town Hall W3412 Chickadee Rd, Loyal. The hearing is for the proposed Levy Resolution preceding a Special Budget Meeting

Levy Resolution
The standard levy limit $94,638 to be increase by ten percent ($8,939) for a total tax levy $103,577 for road improvements and compensation for elected town officers pursuant to s.60.10(1)(b)1, Wis. Stat.

Special Town Meeting
A special town meeting on the budget will follow the levy meeting. This special town meeting of the electors is called pursuant to Sec. 60.12(1)(b) of Wisconsin statutes by the town board for the purpose of adopting the 2018 town tax levy to paid in 2019 pursuant to Sec. 60.1(1)(a) of Wis.Stat. A detailed summary of the budget will be on file and available for inspection by appointment with the town clerk.